Our team

Radhika Kalani
Our prime mover
Meet, Radhika! Having studied clinical nutrition and working as a dietician for years she has amassed a vast knowledge on health and nutrition. She was aware of the idea that the nutritional needs of children are different than that of the adults. Her brain was brimming with ideas and envisioned the need for quality edutainment products for children and that laid the foundation of NutrisiDuniya. As a Nutritionist she had an earnest desire to build up a system where health and nutrition are blended in lives of young children at an early age. We feel proud to say that her dream of bringing knowledge of nutrition to your doorsteps is taking shape through NutrisiDuniya.

Mansi Joshi
Our think tank
Meet, Mansi! Having studied Early Childhood Care and Education Mansi is a believer in holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive needs. Teaming up with Radhika she at NutrisiDuniya works as our Thinktank! She reckons with the fact that young children who are developing at a faster rate needs nutrient dense diet. She is the mind behind the research and articulation we put through in designing and curating our products with end results that we see in the smiles of our customers.